It's hard to believe that our sweet little Rebecca joined our family half a year ago. She continues to bring such joy into our lives.

Rebecca this month has been becoming more vocal. She has learned to say "dada", "baba" what the kids say sounds like "hotdog" and she stills says "mama" mostly when she's hungry and wants it now. She has gotten good at whinning when she's in her highchair and wants her food now. We hear her jabbering to herself quite often. She likes to talk when we're driving and when she's playing in her crib.

This picture shows her little black eye and scrap on her nose she got from falling onto the box of a game we were playing.
She continues to love food. At the beginning of the month cherrios were too hard for her to munch, but not anymore. She eats Ritz crackers, bread, pieces of bannana, graham crackers in addition to jarred baby food. We've started using the baby food grinder and she is eating some table food like pasta with sauce and beans. She still isn't fond of liquids yet. She had he 1st bottle this month and took it just fine, while the older kids and mom & dad went sledding and out to lunch.

She stopped sleeping through the night. We think it was a combination of a runny nose and getting cold at night. She is still a good napper. Her 1st nap is about 45 minutes after Simeon & Corrine go to school and the house is quiet. Then she takes a long nap in the afternoon after I take Ammon to preschool. Her night nap is hit and miss depending on how long her afternoon nap is and when she took it. At the end of the month she was only getting up once a night and sometimes goes back down with just her pacifier.
This month she has learned to really use her hands to pick things up, pass them back and forth and the most exciting for her and us-she can get puffs and Cheerios into her mouth by herself. She gets 1/2 of them in which makes her so much happier that she can eat and not always wait for us.

She grabs everything within 2 feet of her, and it usually goes straight into her mouth! While sitting on the ground, she reaches out and can lay her stomach on the ground and get back up. She turns her upper body around to see whats going on behind her. She has started to get frustrated when something goes out of reach that she wants. She loves to scratch, bang on and swing toys around. If we're reading a book she does everything she can to grab it.

One of her favorite toys-dads Dance Marathon bracelet. If he's wearing it she'll try to eat in on his arm.
She is reserved with her laughs, but she has them. Her feet are tickelish as is her stomach. She loves when we blow on her face and head. She gives the best huge toothless grins to her favorite people aka-dad, mom, Simeon, Corrine and Ammon. She warms up to others fairly quickly if they are NOT holding her. She loves to grab at the kids and give them wet slobbery kisses. Ammon says she hurts him because she has sharp nails and likes to grab him. She likes to grab hair and ears and stick her hands in your mouth.

This month she had been very spitting up alot at times. We haven't figured out what makes her spit up so much. She also drools alot-but no teeth are coming in yet. Between those 2 things she goes through multiple outfits and bibs a day to stay warm and dry.
It's amazing how quickly the last 6 months have gone. Rebecca is at such a fun stage and is always so happy. People comment alot about how easy going and go-with-the-flow baby she is. She likes to watch what's going on and can play for long periods of time by herself.
This month she has also started to grow some hair and the hair that was there at birth is getting long-but really she is still bald.