WaHOOOO Simeon turned 11 on Wednesday!!!
We don't seem to do birthDAYS, rather we do birthWEEKS! He was super excited for his birthday week and all the fun he got to do all week long.
He started his birthday celebration a day early with Daylight Donuts for their Spanish class in the morning, and chocolate cupcakes for his baseball team that night.
Then came Weds morning. We had waffles with strawberries and whip cream ( a mighty big treat in our house, especially on a school morning.)
His presents to open were a bit smaller on the actual day because we got him an early present last month. He really wanted a baseball bag, since he truly was the only kid on his team without one. So we decided to get him one with his name, number and Little Hawks logo on it as an early present. So on his birthday he got a new Chargers Jersey (Mathews for those interested) and a King sizes Resses peanut butter cup, which he nicely shared one with his siblings (and then one little hungry sibling finished off for him later that day.)
He brought chocolate cupcakes to school for his class. He got to pick a prize out of the birthday box which we heard from his teacher he had been talking about for a while. He told us about a bowling set and that is exactly what he came home with.
We are doing home dinners this year instead of going out. He picked homemade mac n cheese for dinner.
This afternoon we were able to keep open from any activities (until scouts), so he got lots of playtime with our neighbor Joe and siblings, which may have been one of the highlights of the day. We've been so busy lately and with Joe also playing on a Little Hawks baseball team there are more days then not when one of them can't play together, so this afternoon was a treat for them both!
He got to go to his 1st Boy Scout activity that night and they had chocolate drumstick ice cream cones as a birthday treat!
Throughout the week he got a few cards in the mail, 2 with giftcards included! (I see more Lego's in our future.)
He finished his birthday week off on Sunday when he got to open more presents from his Smith grandparents. He was excited to get the Lego Master Builder Academy set. Every 2 months he'll get a new lego set in the mail. Each kit teaches a different concept of building and progressively gets harder as the kits advance throughout the year.
Also this week Simeon had some end of year activities.
Friday he had his band concert and WOW those kids have improved so much since the winter concert in December. One of the songs they played was Rumor has it. So now every time it's on the radio he wants it LOUD!
Saturday he had a baseball tournament where he scored the winning run in both their Saturday games. His team played 2 more games on Sunday and ended 2nd in the tournament!

Then this Weds was the 5th and 6th grade track and field met at West High. Simeon ran in the 300 meter dash, the triple throw and the agility course. His triple toss team had a rough start, but on their 2nd try they did much better and got 22 throws in in 30 seconds. On the agility course he was fun to watch. He got to do it twice. The 2nd time he busted some crazy rolling and jumping over the hurdles to finish with a very fast time.
We so love watching Simeon growing up into a young man.We love you!