The verdict-SHE ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!! I made just a little bit to start with and when the spoon was not bringing cereal to her mouth she was crying for more. She was grabbing the spoon and if she got it, she was pulling it to her mouth. I made a 2nd bit that she gobbled down and when it was all gone she threw a huge tantrum.
Since then she has had peas-liked them, carrots-liked them, strawberry yogurt-LOVED IT. She has even had some small pieces of sweet potato puffs. She does a really good job mashing and swallowing them.
The kids have so much fun feeding her. Ammon does "here comes the airplane" when he feeds her, and flys the spoon around. She opens her mouth as soon as she sees the spoon coming-no encouragement needed. It's so cute!
*If your wondering about the yogurt-our dtr said it was fine. I was surprised that she could have it this young and she loves it. The only off limits besides chocking hazards are milk & honey.
1 comment:
How cute! I'm so impressed at how well she's doing with solids and how much she loves it. Connor's still trying to figure out how to swallow solids. I remember it took Parker a while too so I'm not worried. It'll kind of be nice though when I can toss him some cherrios to keep him happy and quite:) It sure was fun to see you guys and to finally meet Rebekah in person. She is such a sweetie! Thanks again a ton for letting us stay with you guys!!!
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