Wednesday, December 23, 2009

End of Chemo Celebration

It's time to Celebrate!!! Today Simeon got his LAST dose of IV chemo EVER!!!

All the kids and mom headed to the hospital to celebrate a day long in the making. When we got there it was clear that everyone in the clinic knew we were celebrating today. Simeon had a drum roll as he walked down the hall, he got high fives, congratulations and applause.
When we got to our room there was a sign congratulating Simeon, a giant cookie with "Way to Go Simeon" written on it and 2 piles of presents. Simeon had a pile of his own, and Corrine, Ammon and Rebecca had a pile too. Simeon had gotten each of the siblings a 'thank you' gift so they all had lots to open.

Simeon got a Ninetendo DS and Mario game, a K'Nex motorized Ferris wheel and a 3-D building dinosaur book. Corrine got a 50th year anniversary Barbie and Littlest Petshop Club House. Ammon got a quad rider and a Diego Leapster game. Rebecca got the book The Hungry Caterpillar, The Red mitten book, a rattle and Wiggles video. It was an early Christmas for the kids!!

Simeon got accessed for the LAST TIME EVER!!! He was so excited that he'd never again have this done. Then the resident came in and did the normal interview and exam, then we waited. 4 kids, 1 mom, LOTS of new presents, a giant cookie and nurses coming and going in one little room for 2 hours was very loooonnnggg.

Our room was at the intersection of 2 hallways. Both had fun activities on the walls. Simeon was down one hallway, Corrine & Ammon down another and Rebecca was in her stroller at the corner with me so that they could all play the games and I could still keep an eye on them.

Finally Doctor Rolla came to see us. The first thing she asked me was if Simeon had been sick. I told her "No. Why?" Come to find out his white count had crashed and he had almost NO immunity to keep him from getting sick. She said the surgeons might not want to do surgery to remove his port (5 days away) unless his counts came back up. This was a stress I was not prepared for. He was taken off all oral chemo and to take his steroids hoping that his counts would rise.

We left the clinic as I tried to stay positive that his counts would rise, and surgery would be on Monday as planned. We had a healthy lunch of McDonald's and went home to enjoy being one step closer to being completely done with Simeon's long battle with leukemia.


Jason and Janelle said...

Woohoo!! Way to go, Simeon!!!!!

Janessa said...

Yay! That is definitely a reason to celebrate! We're so excited for Simeon and your whole family. This has been quite a trial to go through. This outcome is definitely the result of many faithful prayers.

Lisa M said...

YA Simeon! That is something to celebrate.