Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Is this the Smith residence?

This afternoon we got a phone call. I didn't recognize the name or number but still decided to pick it up.

The voice on the other end of the line says
Man: "Is John there?"
Me: "There's no John here."
Man: "Is Joanne there then?
Me: "No there's no Joanne here."
Man in a confused tone"Is this the Smith residence?"
Me "Yes it is, but there's no John or Joanne here, but there is a Johann and a Kari."
Man sounded even more confused "A who?"
Me getting somewhat impatient "My husband's name is Johann."
Man "Not Joanne?"
Me "No Johann."
Man now pretty embarrassed "Oh. I'm so sorry. I'm calling about a voter survey. Is he home?"

After the survey that I took to be kind to this poor guy who slaughtered Johann's name and felt so bad about it.

Man "Thank you for taking the survey, and again I am so sorry that I got the name wrong. I say a J and thought it was something else."
Me trying to keep a straight face "It's alright, we get it alot." I started laughing at this point because the guy really slaughtered our names and he was so embarrassed about it and you could hear it in his voice.
He also started laughing (which he tried so hard to cover up) and apologized and thanked me again.

This phone call made me think of the quote by sweet Marjorie Pay Hinckley: "The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache."

This was so true today. I got such a kick out of this guys confusion, but if I hadn't I could have totally snapped at the guy and then I would have felt bad the rest of the day, and he probably would have felt bad too. Instead I decided to be nice and laugh and I had a smile on my face the rest of the day. I remember what it was like to work telemarketing and it's hard. So hopefully I put a smile on this guys face, because I know I had one!

1 comment:

The Jenson's said...

Wow you are so much better than me Kari. I would have just hung up or not taken the survey.
Good for you!