After the cast their votes, they all got a "I voted" sticker.
Lastnight Simeon was so anxious to hear who won. He watched with Johann, and every time they had an update, he wrote the #'s down. When he went to bed, he asked us to tell him 1st thing in the morning who had won. He also told me that if John McCain didn't win he wasn't going to go to school because he would be sad. (He knows for sure who he backs!)
"If I were Elected President" by Simeon Smith 2nd grade
"I would make taxs go down. I would help the wild life. I would make the food go down." He'd make a very good president one day!
Simeon for President!! I love that the kids were involved... it's one for the history books.
I'd vote for Simeon! That's so cute! It's fun to have kids old enough to be involved in the election. What a great learning opportunity for them to see all this in action.
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