This week we were at Barnes and Nobles and we found these really neat scissors. They are held and used differently then regular scissors which means that she can already use them. And use them she has. She cuts every and anything you let her. Within minutes she can have a pile of little pieces of paper she's cut and she's asking for more. She has the cutest concentration face ever! Since she was born we knew she was double jointed in her fingers and when she uses her scissors you can see it so well. Since these do have a functioning blade you would think she might cut herself, but she hasn't. I think the way the end is made, if her finger did get in the way, it would push it out before it cut into her. We just have to make sure that when she has them we know what she's cutting, but with her and her scissors anything is hers to cut!
The girls had fun with the stickers tonight. Rebecca was so excited to show me what they had done.
Rebecca and I were at the grocery store shopping. I said we need to get bagels. She started asking if she could get a "pink bagel". I told her there weren't any pink bagels, but she kept asking for one. Finally it dawned on me what she was asking for a "pink donut"! I usually don't let the kids get one, but today we both got one. She came home and ate the pink frosting off her donut leaving the dough behind, all while smiling and being excited to have gotten her "pink bagel"!
I know Heavenly Father sent this sweet little girl to us at the tail end of our family on purpose! She has so much love to give and such a bright smile. She is absolutely curious about everything in life and she is a little sponge on super absorption right now!!
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