There are a few reasons why today went off without much hoopla, traps, and greenish goodness.
1. It's spring break so all the kids are home and I couldn't get out to help the little green guy prepare.
2. Ammon has been sick for 5 days and he's tired, and I'm tired and I haven't gotten out of the house all week.
3. The kids didn't seem that into it and never even talked about making a trap until bedtime last night.
Earlier this week when we didn't realize Ammon was going to be sick this many days, Corrine and I ran into Target to get a bathing suit for our waterpark day on Friday. While we were there I ran and got a box of Lucky Charms and some Werther's caramel candies. I didn't say anything about what it was for.
This morning when the kids woke up and Corrine saw the cereal and candies on the table, she was onto me. She told me I was the Leprechaun. Even Rebecca started saying it.
The kids asked where the green kool-aid was, since today's the only day we let the kids drink it.
So I was feeling a bit bad about not doing much for today, so I put a little green dye into our Serra Mist at dinner, which is also a rare treat. We also ate other "green" things with dinner-pickles, lettuce, green soda.
It was a week attempt at making the day end on a green note. Now I know that I need to make the day green and festive even if the kids are not saying much about it. They remember the little celebrations and have good memories of them, so next year we'll have more green, and gold, and traps and fun!!
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