Thursday, May 21, 2009

Walk off HOMERUN

It was Simeon's teams last at bat. They were down by 1 run. Nick was on 2nd base and the next 2 batters struck out, then it was Simeon's turn up to bat. He hit a great hit and ran his little heart out around the bases and slid into home base to WIN the game 18-17.
He hit great the whole game and his running tonight was very smooth and it didn't seem as much of an effort as it has been lately. It was so neat to see him so happy with himself and to have his whole team cheering and clapping for him.
Tonight was also Simeon's snack night and he made sure that every boy had a snack even if it meant he had to run to each as they were leaving to make sure they had one.
We are so proud of Simeon's hard work, effort and kindness on and off the field.


Stephanie said...


MJSmith said...

What a wonderful moment. Good job, Simeon!

The Jenson's said...

Wow way to go Simeon!

Jason and Janelle said...

Congrats to Simeon! Awesome job!!!!

Janessa said...

Way to go Simeon! Way to be a good player and team member. Your team is lucky to have you!