Monday, December 20, 2010

We call her "Marshmellow"

The kids lovingly call Rebecca "Marshmellow" when she has her snow suit on. It really is a reminder of the Christmas Story movie where the little boy falls down and can't get back up because of all his snow gear. That's Rebecca! It's even harder for her to move with her thick snow gloves on. They are so thick they don't come out of the sleeves, and her hands and arms are stuck in her jacket.

When I get it all on her, she usually will just stand still. If she gets off balanced she'll fall down and lay on her back looking stuck. This morning I found all 4 kids laying looking stuck together before school. Rebecca seemed to like that she wasn't the only one laying there helplessly!

Oh but the cuteness of Rebecca and her snow suit make up for the lack of movement she has!! She stays warm which is what really matters. I'm so glad I bought this set for her last spring at Kohl's in an amazing sale. We walk to school in the morning and afternoon and this keeps her toasty and dry.

We love you "Marshmellow".

-These pictures are alittle old. The pumpkins have been put away for some time now and she has 6 new teeth too!

1 comment:

The Jenson's said...

She looks so cute all bundled up!