Sunday, January 9, 2011

Mid Year Reunion

I had a great time skiing with my friend Kyle this weekend. Cameron joined us for part of the day.

My fear of heights is gone after going on the ski lift. I went on the ski lift 100 times and crashed 20 times.

Ski lessons were boring. I already knew all the things they taught us.

I lost my skis twice and pools twice on the ski lift. They sent them up with another person so I could ski down the hill.

"Yard sale"-is when you fall and you lose all your skis and poles.

On Friday we stayed up till midnight, and Saturday we stayed up until 1pm. "I read my book while I was sleeping. There was a light on outside that if I held my book just right I could see the words and read. I did alot of reading when I should have been sleeping."

On Sunday we went bowling. I bowled with Wyatt and Cameron.

Next year I'll be going again because it was alot of fun!

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