Saturday, May 7, 2011

Rebecca and the pretty yellow flowers

Rebecca has an absolute LOVE for dandelions, and the Kickers soccer park has an abundance of them in a field at the park. Rebecca can pick them for half hour and not even make a dent in them. The fields are almost weed free, but this field isn't sprayed so it is filled with them.
Today I had Corrine's game time written down wrong. Luckily it was written down an hour early and not an hour late. This gave us plenty of time to just play in the field of pretty yellow flowers (as Rebecca calls them) without trying to keep an eye on her and watch a soccer game.

Picking dandelions is such a childhood rite of passage that sometimes it makes me feel bad that we don't have any in our yard for them to pick, but then again there are enough of them in other yards they can pick them there.

Isn't this Rainbow shirt awesome!! A friend was given a bag of clothes with a few girl items in it. She only has boys so she gave the bag to us and this shirt was in it. I almost didn't keep it, but I'm glad I did. All day Rebecca would point to the rainbow and tell us about it.

1 comment:

The Jenson's said...

that is a whole lot of dandelions.