Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Corrine's Viola

Corrine has been SO SUPER EXCITED about getting her viola to start practicing it. We went the route of renting from the school which means she didn't get her viola until her 1st small group lesson at school today.  Some of her friends have had their instruments for weeks now since they rented from a music store, and that made for a few anxious weeks of wondering when she's finally get hers.

After school she went to Girls On The Run after school before coming home. She ran home, took her viola out and showed it off to some very much in awe siblings! She was so sweet letting everyone have a turn at playing it. She so lovingly sat behind Rebecca and helped her hold it and play it.
Corrine has been excited to play in the school orchestra for a long time and she was thrilled to be in 4th grade and get the chance.
Her viola is beautiful with only one very small scratch on it. We were super impressed with the quality of it since Simeon has a baritone rented from the school and it looks like it's been run over and dropped down cement stairs on many occasions!
I was impressed that even with just getting it today, that she could make it sound so nice. I know I have fallen in love with the music it makes and am excited for her to learn some songs.

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