A few weeks back I decided it was time the kids also put away their own laundry. I fold it and put the ones to be hung up in their basket-but then they are in charge of putting them away. I even went so far as to label each basket with their names- so they could tell real quick which was theirs. (I don't think Corrine would ever have a problem finding her basket with all the pink she has in it!)
It's been a few weeks and the novelty hasn't worn off yet. Simeon & Corrine will see who can put thier clothes away the quickest. Ammon thought he could be the fastest last week by dumping all his clothes on his floor, then returning his basket to my bed!
Ammon loves on laundry day to check my bed and see if his basket has clothes in it. If it does he right away carries it by himself to his room to put them away. He needs more help then the others do-but for being only 3 1/2 years he's doing awesome! Corrine needs the least help-even hanging them up, and Simeon needs guidance with hanging his shirts up.
I'm trying to help them learn valuable lifeskills, but also to help ease the load this summer when the baby comes.
it took me forEVER to figure out how to best manage laundry. and you're right... the partitioned hamper in a common area is what seems to work best! ours has four sections and to get the kids used to what goes where, i made cards for the front. i drew pictures of clothes and colored them in with the corresponding words "darks" and "lights." then we have a "happy face whites" and a "sad face whites" for things like dress shirts and socks, respectively. it's worked really well!
and i'm mean about turning the clothes right side out, too. the difference here is that i'll wash them, i just won't turn them right side out when they're clean, so socks and shirts will get put away that way, which they can't stand. they're pretty good about it now.
i put away all of their clothes, but only because all of the girls share a closet and dresser and it's a pain to find where everything goes. we're dragging our feet on splitting them into separate rooms, but we'll have more clothing space when we do and they'll put their clothes away themselves then.
Wow...you're my hero!
What a great idea! We do a similar thing with laundry but I don't have the cute labeled baskets. I might have to copy that one. I think it's so important to have kids involoved in household chores. It teaches them great practical skills, helps them feel a sense of responsibility and that we work together as a family (mom doesn't just do it all). I love Ammon's excitement over his laundry and chores. Hope that lasts. You're such a great mom!
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