Thursday, April 22, 2010

Caps for Sale...

50c a Cap

One of our favorite books is Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina. It's about a peddler who wears a high pile of hats on his head. He can't sell any caps in town so he walks to the country. He stops under a tree to take a nap. When we wakes up he feels his head and his caps are gone. He looks into the tree and sees monkeys each with a hat on it's head. Everything he does, the monkeys do, but they won't give him back his hats. He gets really mad and throws his hat off, and the monkeys throw down thier hats. He puts them back on his head and walks back to town calling: "Caps for sale, 50c a cap."

1 comment:

Janessa said...

That's a favorite of our's too! Abby did a skit with it in kindergarten and I have a similar picture of her with a pile of hats on her head. So cute!