She broke the radius about 1 1/2" down from her elbow. They didn't want to cast it for a few days because it is so swollen. The ER dtr (not an ortho dtr) didn't think it broke the growth plate. We go see an ortho dtr in a few days, and hopefully we'll know more. We were told 6-8 weeks in a high arm cast. So that pretty much brings us to the end of school, since we have 8 weeks left.
So how did this happen you ask:
She was out back swinging with Ammon and our neighbor Rachael. Johann said he saw her jump off the swing at the highest point. She actually fell off the swing, landed on her feet first, then went down hard on her right elbow. She came in crying hard a few minutes later. She cried hard for half hour then calmed down. She wouldn't eat dinner so we just sat and talked. I convinced her to take a bath with Rebecca and get her hair washed and that I'd be extra careful of her arm. She then went to bed favoring her arm. We decided that if it was still hurting in the morning we'd take her to the ER for x-rays. She slept for an hour or so, when Johann moved her to Ammon's bed (she was in ours) and she woke up shortly after crying hard again. You could tell she was in ALOT of pain. At 10:30 we decided we needed to get it x-rayed now. It was really swollen and we could tell it really hurt.
At the ER they took 3 very painful x-rays. She sat perfectly still with tears rolling down her cheeks during the x-rays. The put a splint on it and told us to call the ortho dtr Monday morning.
After we left she called Nani and Papa to tell them about our newest excitement, then we stopped at Wendy'd for a much deserved chocolate frosty. Finally at 2am, she fell asleep for the night.
So far this morning she is feeling good. We've offered Tylenol, but she doesn't want it and her arm doesn't seem to be hurting to bad, but she won't eat which tells me she is in some pain. She is very tired though (so is mom). We told her she's going to be a celebrity at school this week. I'm not sure she's excited about that.
Poor girl! That's not a fun adventure. At least she'll get the cast off just in time for summer and swimming. Good planning:) I love that sweet, "I'm trying to be brave" smile. You'll have to let us know what the ortho doctor says. I hope it didn't effect the growth plate. We'll keep our fingers crossed.
Ouch, sounds so painful, sorry she had to go through that. Hopefully she will heal well and fast!
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