This month Rebecca became mobile. She doesn't go far and fast, but she gets around. She can pull herself up on people and things around the front room. She likes her car and reguarly gets stuck under the table where is is housed.
She used to sleep flat on her back with her arms either outstretched or under her head. Now she moves all over her crib and has even started sleeping on her stomach. There have been times we've found her face smashed up against the bumper. She likes to cuddle her face into us if she falls asleep in our arms.
She has the cutest squinted nose and half closed eyes looking up smile ever! When she sees the camera coming she SMILES big. She loves getting her picture taken.
She has started giving "kisses". She gives an open and noisy mouth kiss. It's so fun! We've been working on blowing kisses, and she's done that a few times.
The weather has started getting warmer, so we've been spending more time outside. She LOVES being outside. She is very curious about everything on the ground outside. Leaves, mulch and sticks go in her mouth regularly, weeds, dirt and other things she finds stay out. She is figuring out what things feel like and taste like, and I let her to a point so she can discover.
We have to give Rebecca her own board books whenever we read books because she loves to grab them. She'll find any book or magazine and she'll turn it around and study it, then taste it. She also has a fascination with shoes. We're working on getting the kids to put them away, but she loves to eat them-bottom and all.
She's starting to get stranger anxiety. If we're holding her she usually fine. At church she gives the biggest smiles to the people sitting behind us. It's cute because she'll smile at them, then look away. A few minutes later she'll start staring at them until they smile back at which point she beams at them. This can go on for 10 minutes or more. I'd love to sit behind her someday to watch her smiles. She makes friends with other kids easily and often.
At her last weight check for the Vitamin D study (which she just finished and had her last blood draw and bone density scan) she weighed 17.9 lbs, was 26" long and her head was 43 cm. At her 9 month well check (at 8 1/2 months) she was in the 25% for weight, 45% for height and 40% for head. She is right where the other kids were at this age.
We are all having so much fun having a mobile baby in the house. It's really gotten us to get down and see the world from her vantage point and that's been alot of fun.
We are so in love with you Rebecca and each day we are so greatful Heavenly Father trusted us to be your family!
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