Friday, November 9, 2012

Ammon's Style

Ammon LOVES to take pictures. 
He routinely grabs the camera and starts snapping away, and he's getting good some great shots. After using the remote with our family pictures this morning, he wanted to give it a try himself.
Below is a collage of him testing out all the ways to use the remote which I found on the memory card when I downloaded it tonight.

We'll call it...

Ammon Style

Straight on.
Get dad in the action.
Cross the arms and look not interested.
Power from the side.
Sinking lower.
Pencil Pose.
Twist and click.
The hand.

I love the little eye in the corner of this picture. This kid is fascinated with life and finds every way to make life fresh and interesting.

We love you Ammon our budding photographer. 

Never stop learning, loving life and finding ways to enjoy it.

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