Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Vote 2012

Over the past few weeks we have had alot of talks about politics, about who we are voting for and why. We've also had many talks about being good winners, good losers and respecting everyone's opinions.  

The past few weeks we have also ignored dozens of phone calls, muted too many commercials to count, and have been counting down until the political ads were done.

The kids were excited for the election and to hopefully have the President they were voting for.

Rebecca and I headed to the polls right after Spanish class this morning. We only waited 5 minutes and most of that time was talking with our sweet neighbor who always works the polls. Rebecca was so excited to get a "I voted" pin to take with us. She wore it most of the day.

Not only did Johann and I get to vote today, but today was also "Kids vote" at school. All of the kid's classes got to vote and let their voice be heard.

Ammon had been talking about all the candidates for the past week. He is a sponge right now. Everyday he comes home and tells us new facts about different presidents, the rules to be president and different tidbits about Obama and Romney. He brought home some reading about each of the presidents that he has been telling us about all afternoon.
We were talking last night about things they've learned regarding the election. Ammon was going on and on about things and I was grateful to hear that it was all neutral and informative, not leaning towards either candidate. When I asked him who his teacher was voting for he gave me a strange look and said "I don't know, she's hasn't told us who she's voting for. because she's not allowed to!" I was so glad to hear that they didn't and probably wouldn't know who their teachers were voting for.

He was so EXCITED to kid vote today at school. His teacher is so awesome. She had the kids fill out a voter registration form and get it signed by 2 witnesses-his teacher and aid. After showing it to me he asked me if my voter registration looked like his!

Simeon wasn't tired so he stayed up with me and watched the results. It was hard for him when he heard the results. He wanted Romney to win and was sad when he didn't. It was fun to talk with him about the election and for him to see how it works. Parts confused us, like when they called state before all the ballots were counted? 

The kids have figured out how old each of them will be when they get to vote in their 1st real Presidential election. I know they will be excited and ready when that day comes around.

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