Friday, October 31, 2008

Life is OFF Pause

For the past 2 weeks I have been absorbed in 4 wonderful books (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn) that I could never put down long enough to get anything else done. Thankfully the kids were patient when they opened their otherwise empty drawers and closets looking for clean clothes!
Just now I finished the last one Breaking Dawn, and life can go on again as it was before. My bedtime will be at a normal time, laundry will be kept up better, the house will look so much more organized, and i will start posting more updates. And I can also start my newest endeavor-Daisy Scouts for Corrine.
Now I just have to wait 3 weeks before I can see Twilight on the big screen. As you can tell-I'm addicted as much as all my friends and family are!!! I see why these books were so highly recommended.


Janessa said...

Wow, you got through those pretty fast. Good thing for your family, right? I'm glad you loved them and we have a new member of the fan club:) I can't wait for the movie!

Linley said...

I almost feel like a proud parent or maybe, more aptly a pusher, seeing as how I was feeding your addiction. But, like Janessa, I'm glad to have another member to our "club". I can't wait to talk to you more about the books.

The Jenson's said...

I'm so glad that i read those without little ones at home "yet" cuz i would be exactly the same way. That last one i read in 16 hours straight. The other ones i started the first on a Thursday and ended the 3rd on Sunday . . but i had work and church to go to in between! Yeah those books will do it to you!