Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Butter waxing

Today I was catching up with emails on the computer while Ammon sat at the kitchen table right behind me within arms reach playing with some random things. It was cute listening to him talk about random things.
THEN he got quiet.
I turned around to see what he was doing and he was rubbing the table. I looked closer and realized that he was rubbing butter all over the table. He said he was "cleaning it".

I will be honest-it gave the table a nice shine:)

I got the table cleaned up and was cleaning his hands when I realized what else he had been doing-he had been drawing all over himself.

He looks surprised to have been caught "black handed".

Ammon keep me on my toes everyday and I love him for it!

1 comment:

Hubers said...

We had butter incidents here as well...Is butter urnings in the air?;)