Saturday, February 21, 2009

The DRAMA of Goldfish

Sept 22nd, 2006 Great Grandma Riddle brought over a fish tank and 3 goldfish. Simeon named his 'Luke', Corrine named hers "Goldie" and Ammon named his 'Fish'.
Fish didn't make it past a year, and Ammon never really noticed.

Then 3 days ago Goldie died, along with the 2 other fish we got to replace Ammon's and to have one for the baby. Corrine was heart broken over Goldie.

Luke swimming in his temporary home, while his tank is cleaned.

We took Luke out and cleaned the tank out really good, then put Luke back in. Right away he started to look bad, then after a few hours, he seemed like he has doing good. But that wasn't to last.
We went to the pet store on Thursday and bought 3 new 25c gold fish to add to the tank, because Corrine had told her friends she had fish, so we needed fish.
Yesterday morning Simeon told me "Luke is swimming sideways." That wasn't a promising sign. I told Simeon he might want to tell him goodbye because he probably would be gone before he got home from school.
I was wrong. Luke swam sideways in a circle for over a day, then he laid on the bottom for another half day before giving up.
Simeon was crushed. He knew what was happening, but he didn't want anyone to say the "D" word.
When he got home from his friend Birthday party this afternoon, we told him about Luke. Johann suggested flushing him-and man did that get Simeon upset with him. Simeon wanted to bury him-which if you think about it, it's hard to do in Iowa in February. Luckily I found one pot that wasn't frozen, and Simeon buried him in there.

Our new fish are named: Yoda, Annikan and Goldie.

I never thought 25c goldfish could hold so much drama!

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