Monday, February 9, 2009

Wonka look alike

This afternoon Ammon grabbed these goggles and put them on. I took one look at him and it reminded me of Willie Wonka and the Chocolate factory, when they get on the white suits with hoods and goggles. I think they are looking at Wonka Vision when the little boy, whose dressed like a cowboy, goes through the air in a million pieces then gets reassembled tiny. Now I really want to watch that movie again-the original one!
Here are some other cute pictures of Ammon from today too. He got tired of the camera and started hiding from me.

I just LOVE being home with Ammon-he keeps me on my toes, and teaches me so much!

3 comments: said...

An Oompa Loompa!! That is one of my favorite movies ever... and Ammon is such a funny guy!!!

Janessa said...

I love the goggles! What a cutie! That one on one time with the youngest is a fun thing. It seems like they just don't get it as much as the older ones do/did.

Shawn and Amy said...

That last picture is super cute! What fun!