Sunday, April 12, 2009


We have decided that we want Easter to be about the really meaning, and not about egg hunts and candy and bunnies. That being said we did take the kids to 1 egg hunt, so that they could still have a hunt.

We were told about an egg hunt at a retirement center called Legacy Gardens. It was a very windy and cold day-but the sky was blue and sunny.

They had hunts for each age group. We got there in time to watch them put out the eggs for the 3-4 year old hunt. They had a grassy area roped off and they COVERED the grass with colorful eggs. When they let the kids go in, Ammon filled his bucket up so quickly that he had to stop getting eggs. He was so excited to open them up and find the candy inside.

While we waited for the 5-7 year old group we went and saw the Easter Bunny. I asked the kids if they wanted to get their picture taken with it. Corrine said yes, Ammon & Simeon both said no. I told them that was fine, but they needed to walk over with me anyways. Corrine went up to get her picture with the bunny and Simeon said he'd go to, then Ammon sighs and said "Ok, I'll go too." After we got the picture Ammon loudly says "That's just a person dressed up mom!" I told him he was right, but that he needed to say it quieter since some of the kids around us didn't know that and we didn't want to spoil the fun for them.

Since Ammon ran out of room in his basket Simeon & Corrine both traded theirs for cloth grocery bags so that they could collect more eggs.

Corrine's age group didn't have many kids, so she also got alot of eggs.

While we waited for the 8-10 group we went and got a cookie and dad showed up after baseball tryouts. Simeon was hoping that they'd hide the eggs for his age group-but there was no where to hide them on the lawn.

The last group had so few kids that all 3 of the kids got to do the hunt. So needless to say we came home with over 150 eggs and LOTS of candy. Corrine was the lucky one getting 2 ice cream coupons in her eggs.

On Easter we did an egg hunt in the yard. The kids filled thier own eggs. Some eggs had 3 pieces of candy while other were empty-but that is the way they wanted them.

In the late afternoon we walked over to Grandma & Grandpa Smiths for an egg hunt. The eggs were hidden in the backyard and they each had to find one of each color and size. It took a while to collect all their eggs because they needed to get so mnay different ones. Grandma Riddle gave the boys a offroad jeep, and Corrine got a Cinderella lotion dispenser.

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