Monday, August 31, 2009

Honestly I missed the memo!

That's what this weed claimed when I questioned it for hiding behing the bushes in the front yard. I told it I had sent a memo out earlier in the summer informing the weeds that they were to take the summer off. Obviously this one (and a few of it's friends) missed the memo.

One day I looked out the boys window and I saw this weed peaking in. It took me another 2 weeks to get out to it and by then it was taller then me. My budding green thumb works only on flowers-not weeds!


Stephanie said...

you are so funny Kari! I love these posts!!

Janessa said...

Wow, you should have one of the kids climb it and see if there's a gold egg laying chicken at the top:)

The Jenson's said...

I love that it is taller then you. That is one big weed!!