Some reflections about you at a month:
You have a skin reaction to LUVS diapers-you turn quite red where the diaper touches your skin.
You have the most beautiful deep blue eyes.
You've started grabbing onto hair, shirt collars, your own ears, blankets-anything your hands touch.
Love being held in the front carrier, and you usually fall right to sleep.
You make the cutest little piggy sounds at night when your stretching in your sleep.
If your left alone you'll do some cries to get someone to come back to talk with you.
We put the mobile up in your crib and you are fascinated with the animals that dance above you. There are times that your fussing or trying to get to sleep and if we turn the mobile on you'll go to sleep.
You have started to track with eyes. You catch onto something or a face and you follow it around.
Your holding your head up so strongly.
One of your favorite positions is to lay on moms arm with your head by her elbow so you can look around. You also like to be held looking out.
We thought you'd suck on your thumb or fingers, but you have only done it a few times. Your taking your pacifier more often now. You seem frustrated at times with trying to get your finger into your mouth. When you do get your thumb you are asleep within minutes.
You finally have your official belly button. The stump feel off but it kept scabbing over and bleeding. The dtr said that part of the cord was still attached really deep. We were told to give it a few weeks and if it didn't clear up to go back in. Just the other day we noticed that it has completely healed and you have a beautiful belly button.
We can already tell what your different cries are for. You have an "I'm hungry" cry, "I'm tired" cry, "that hurt" cry, "someone pay attention to me" cry, "I have a bubble burp me" cry, and very rarely "I'm just a baby whose needs to cry" cry.
You love to have a blanket by face to go to sleep. When you were just born the nurse made the comment that you were going to be a baby that liked the blankets up by your face-and she was right. When your tired and I'm holding you I can give you your pacifier, cover your face partway and your out!
You have figured out to be awake during day sleep at night. You get up every 3-4 hours to eat at night, but you have a 12 hour time frame where you sleep, eat and go right back to sleep. During the day you spent an hour or two awake, take a short nap, then your up again for another awake time.
Bath time is one of your favorite times. You love to be in the water. We put the bathtub on the counter and you can stare into the mirror. You squirm and open your mouth when the water comes close to your neck.
Simeon comes right into our room in the morning and holds you for an hour or so. Corrine is your 2nd mommy-she changes your diaper, gets you dressed and takes care of you. Ammon can't go to sleep without holding and kissing you one last time. He has a picture of you on his bed so that he can sleep with "his Rebecca". Dad has to stand in line to hold you since your siblings want to hold you all the time. And there are times that you are a mommas girl-who justs needs mom to hold you.
We love you so much sweet little Rebecca.
I've been so anxious for an update to see how little Rebecca is doing. She is so adorable and sounds like such a sweet precious angel. The newborn stage can be kind of tiring for the mom. It's so precious and short lived though. You just have to soak it up and enjoy every second of it. It sounds like all of you are doing that. I love that Aamon has a picture of Rebecca to sleep with. I'm impressed that Corrine changes her diaper even. Abby is always so eager to do it that Kambry hasn't really had a chance to learn. I'll have to work with her on that one. I'm glad things are going so well. I miss you tons!!!
So beautiful!!
She is so beautiful! What a doll! How fun that the kids are taking such "ownership" of their baby sister. So sweet!
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