This past month Rebecca has learned so many new things. She has gone from contently sitting to a rolling, turning, crawling backwards mobile girl. She hasn't mastered crawling forwards more then 2-3 crawls, but she is all over the room. Since she can't go forward she has been more frustrated this past month and whined more then she had the past 7 months. She still smiles more then whines though and people always comment how easy going and happy she is. She almost always has a smile on her face, which gets bigger if she sees her siblings or mom and dad.

She pulls herself up on us. She can stand holding onto one of our hands. She figured out how to turn on the music on her play house. She gets such a kick out of turning it on herself.

She has days where she drools so much that she goes through 1 or 2 bibs and a top. Along with drooling she started making cute faces.

She really likes her exersaucer. She can happily play in it for half hour or longer. We have it in the dinner room so she can see whats going on.

She LOVES bananas so we sign "banana" ALOT! The sign we use is holding up our pointer finger. Since we use that sign so often, she now points to things. She points to things in a book with one finger. She loves to have you touch her pointer finger to yours. She found that she has 2 little holes in her nose that her pointer finger fits perfectly into. It's so cute to watch her stick her finger up her nose and grin ear to ear.

She likes to read books. She likes to touch and feel things in the books and to turn the pages. Her favorite book to read is "Rusty's Bone". It has soft fur to pull on, rub and other things to touch and feel.
She loves to eat, but not alot of baby food. She likes things with texture and something to chew on. She takes bites off of things. Her favorite things to eat-graham crackers, bread, potatoes, beans, fresh bananas, chicken, ground beef, peaches, puffs, yogurt and yogurt melts.
She sleeps 10 hours at night and takes 2 good naps during the day. One at 9am and one at 1pm. Then goes down around 8 or 9.

When Corrine was about 10 months old we have a picture of me holding her wearing these pink pajamas holding onto curly ribbon during our New Years Eve Party. I thought it was fun to see Rebecca doing the same thing, so I had Corrine take a picture.

Rebecca will lay her head down on the ground after she's been moving around. It's so sweet!

Rebecca playing with a ball at her 1st Dance Marathon.
I'll end with one more picture. I love this picture because Rebecca is so into the button on Ammon's shirt and Ammon is so cute holding her.