Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ammon's Last Gymnastics Class

Today was the last Preschool playgroup at the Gymnest. Ammon has already asked me about doing it again this summer. He had such a great time at the class. He made some really good friends and became stronger. His teacher is Tommy's mom. Tommy and Ammon became fast friends. A few of the boys made up a game and spent their free time everyweek playing it. It involved LOTS of running around the gym and some hiding. It was so fun to watch Ammon being so carefree and enjoying himself so much.

At the end of each class they hold hands and walk in a circle singing some song. Then they sit down and do head shoulders knees and toes.

They then walk on the balance beam and sit down. They get stamps on their hands, feet, knees and once even on his stomach at the end of class.

This summer we are planning on going back to do lunch bunch.

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