Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Rebecca at 10 months

What a difference a month makes. Rebecca has discovered that she can go anywhere in the house she wants to go and get into almost anything she can get her hands on. She LOVES to be outside and if she can't be outside she'll stand at the front door, bang on it, call outside and look outside. She's been spending alot of time in her swing out back. She loves to swing and have her siblings near her.

She has turned into a very cute giggler this month. She is very ticklish on her stomach and under her arms. She also discovered that she could stick her tongue out.

She pulls up on anything she can and can stand by herself for a few seconds. She will let go of things and stand there until she realizes she's not holding onto anything. She has gotten really good at walking holding onto our hands. She giggles and giggles when I have her hold my hands and walk towards me.

She likes to look at other babies(and grab at them-especially their hair), so one day we gave her a baby doll. She was so intrigued with it. She gave it kisses, hugs sucked on it's hands and feet, poked it's eyes and stuck her finger in it's mouth.

She mastered sippy cups last month and this month she figured out straws. She had her 1st juice box and loved it-it was regular strength juice something she hadn't had before. Her favorite foods are strawberries, bananas, tomatoes, potatoes, chicken, crackers, noodles-ok she really likes to eat ANYTHING we give her. She tries to feed herself with a spoon and ends up covered in food.

She likes to dump and pull toys or clothes or books off the bookshelf's or out of boxes. She can play contently with a box of toys pulling one out looking at it before she pulls another one out to look at.

She got to meet our neighbors cat and was so taken with it. She was trying to get out of my arms to pet him again. When we went to the zoo she would call out to the animals she could she, especially anything that had a cat like look. She was fascinated with the fish in the big tanks and would stand there watching them as long as we'd let her.

She shakes her head no when she gets into something she shouldn't have and we say "no". She also hears don't , uh-oh and shakes her head no-no too. Its really cute. She does shake her head yes, but not as often. If you ask her if she wants something and show it to her, she'll smile if she wants it and shake her head no if she doesn't.

She gives the sweetest hugs and cuddles and is so much fun. She is so happy and smiley all the time and talks with us about anything she can. We are so in love with our Rebecca Doodle and she sure seems to be in love with us.


The Jenson's said...

Rebecca is so cute. She's growing up so fast. I love the pic with he tonuge stuck out

Janessa said...

She is getting so big and doing so many things! These babys of ours are growing up way too fast! She is such a cutie!!!