Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ammon Disappears

The other day as I was cleaning up the kitchen, I heard a paper bag being opened, then when I turned around I couldn't see Ammon. He had disappeared! I could hear him, but I couldn't see him. All I saw was a paper bag.
I heard giggling, so I knew he had to be somewhere close, but still I couldn't see him.

Then I heard "Mom, I'm in the bag!"
WHAT?!? He's in the bag?

I peeked under the bag, but all I could see what blackness. Where was that sneaky Ammon? I searched all over the kitchen, and all around the paper bag-but NO Ammon.

Since I couldn't figure it out, he decided to come out for a minute to help me out.

But then he disappeared on me again. This time he left a bigger clue-his red shirt was hanging out!

I thought I knew where he was hiding, but couldn't figure it out, so he again came out to give me some help, and that was when I caught my sneaky Ammon going into his hiding place.

Game over-Mom now knew the secret to Ammon's disapearing Act!

1 comment:

The Jenson's said...

I can't believe he is still small enough to fit all the way underneath that paper bag! Great place to hide!