Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fall Flowers

Fall is my favorite season! I love the changes that take place: the leaves changing colors, then dropping, the crispness in the air, the apples ripe on the trees and the beautiful flowers whose blooms stand out again the changing background.
This past week Ammon and I went and picked out some mums. Our mum from last year died in the extreme winter we had, so we needed to replace it. Ammon loved helping pick out what colors to get. We decided on getting 4 plants: red, yellow, pink and purplish-pink. Ammon was a great helper carring the plants to the cart.

When it was time to get Simeon & Corrine from school, I didn't say anything about the mums. As soon as we got in the driveway, Corrine spotted them and went right over to them. She was excited to see pink mums-picked out especially for her.

The kids were all excited to help plant them. Simeon picked the yellow one, Ammon the red, Corrine the pink and then she assisted me on planting the purplish-pink one too.

Ammon making sure his flowers are "tucked in" just right.

While we were digging the holes for the flowers we found some worms, which Corrine promptly scooped up, and placed them lovingly into a Pooh-bear cup.

This is the final product. The hostas are going to be dying back soon, so we should just have the mums left in the next few weeks.


www.gallamorewest.com said...

What great helpers you have!!

The Jenson's said...

I suprised you are planting flowers now! When does the snow come. They are pretty flowers and the kids did a great job!