Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Ranch

The Ranch is one of our favorite spots to visit. The days we were there were perfect weather wise-not too hot, and cool in the evenings. Nani & Papa had just bought the land next to their which has a house on it, so we got to stay in the 'guest house' while we were there. Ammon was a cactus magnet. We had been telling the kids not to touch cactus because it would hurt, but what we didn't do was show Ammon what cactus was. When we first got there Ammon saw this strange looking plant-it had needle like things coming out of it, and out of curiosity he went and touched it. That was his 1st experience with cactus. After that he never touched it, but always seemed to get a piece in his hand. The kids were fascinated with 'coyote melons' which when are dried out sound like a maraca. We went on lots of tractor rides with Papa. The kids really wanted to go for a ride on the 4 wheeler, but I told them we didn't have a helmet so they couldn't. Papa found a bike helmet so that he could take them. The kids loved it and wanted to go over and over again!!
One day we went to a museum that had the greatest kids room. They had so many things for the kids to touch like animal skins, fossils, bones and rocks. On the way to the museum Simeon and I saw 3 big horn sheep at Scissors crossing. We went back to try and see them again, but they were gone.
We also went and found the sculptures that a man has been making and placing on his land. We stopped and walked out to a dinosaur one. From far away they looked smaller, but when you got to them they were really big.
The kids really wanted to hear the coyotes, but only Johann heard them one night.

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