Monday, October 25, 2010

How to make a jack-o-lantern

The annual carving of the pumpkins was on the agenda for Family Home Evening tonight. Johann got a phone call an hour before asking him to help move someone things from a moving van into a storage unit, so off he went. (We've frozen hands while carving pumpkins that have sat outside in 40 degrees for days.)

Simeon wanted to make a vampire pumpkin. He did most of the drawing of the face and cutting himself. He was also the kiddo that broke the most saws while carving his pumpkin. He didn't want all of his guts out so they could be used as part of the affect of the vampire. Simeon had no fear of the guts and was very encouraging to Rebecca to reach in and touch it.

Corrine decided that she didn't want to cut her pumpkin this year, but rather draw on it. She choose to draw Ariel on it with markers. It took her a long time to color in all the black on the face and the red hair.

Ammon wanted sharp teeth on his pumpkin and upside down triangle eyes and nose. He had me draw the face, then he went over it with the poker. He was concentrating so hard on getting the pokes right on the lines I drew. He again this year wanted to wear gloves to clean out his pumpkin, and once he had those on-he was digging right in. He on the other hand didn't want ANY pulp or seeds left in his pumpkin.

Rebecca love "pups" aka pumpkins. She was so cute sitting in her highchair with her pumpkin in front of her. It was fun to watch her reaction to the pumpkins being cut open. She was cautious at first, staying back and looking in as best she could. Then when she touched the wetness of the pumpkin she wiped it off. She thought the seeds were fascinating. She'd stare and point at them. Later she was picking the seeds up off the floor and putting them on the table. After we gave her the scoop she was more adventurous to reach her hand in.

When Rebecca was done cleaning out Simeon's pumpkin she found a pair of feet that looked perfect for "tick tick"-tickling.

I love looking at lit up jack-o-lanterns. It's a little bit of magic and memories from my childhood mixed together.

1 comment:

Janessa said...

They all look so great! You're such a wonderful mom to undertake the project on your own. It looks like everyone had a lot of fun!