Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

Halloween this year was calm and relaxing that I almost wish Halloween was always on a Sunday. Then we don't have to build the excitement all day of trick or treating, rush through dinner eating only a few hurried bites then wandering the streets in the cold trick or treating, only to come home to sort, trade, argue over trades, trade some more, struggle to get kids in pj's and bed.
But how my kids would NOT like it if Halloween was always on a Sunday.
It's fun for them to dream of their costume and to pretend to be someone different for a few hours. Luckily our school does a Halloween parade, and our church did a party with trunk or treating and we went to a senior center for their party, so they got to wear their costumes multiple times and they did get some candy.

Simeon wanted to be La-Daien Thomas a former QB from the San Diego Chargers. He stuffed his jersey with pillowcases to make them look like he had shoulder pads on.

Corrine was a Hawkeye Cheerleader. She wore this to the Hawkeye football game that we went to a few weeks ago. Her bangs are now long enough to be pulled back into pigtails

Ammmon was the hardest to get to decide on a costume this year. He changed his mind many many times. One time he decided to be a Jedi and wear the robe Simeon wore in Kindergarten, but he didn't have the correct clothes to wear under it, so he was ONLY going to wear the robe. I vetoed that one!! After watching how to train your dragon, Ammon wanted to be Night Fiery. We already had this red dragon costume from Dance Marathon. So he decided to he would be Nightmare.

I saw this cheerleader outfit this summer in Boone of all places. (Boone is near the Hawkeyes rival team.) I didn't get it then and couldn't find it here in town for a while. She loved shaking her pom poms, and walking around in her skirt. She looked so sweet and small in it.

On Saturday we went to Grandma Smiths to trick or treat. She made each of the kids little Halloween bags for their goodies from her. She even made one for Corrine's' American doll.

On Halloween the kids got dressed up to go see Great Grandma Riddle and show off their costumes. On the way out a nurse stopped them and gave them all a couple of pieces of candy.

1 comment:

Janessa said...

What a fun Halloween. I agree, there were some advantages to having it on a Sunday. Your kids all look adorable! I love the little cheerleaders!!!