Friday, September 4, 2009

Rebecca at 2 months

Today our sweet and lovable Rebecca is 2 months old. It's hard to believe so much time has passed already since she joined our family. She just keeps getting sweeter by the day. She so freely gives the biggest smiles. She gets her arms, legs and eyes into her smiles. They just melt our hearts. She "talks" to us, smacks her lips and sucks on her hands when ever she can get them to stay in her mouth. She has started grabbing onto anything placed near her-socks, bibs, blankets, and her doll. She makes lots of bubbles and has started drooling.
She weighed in @ 11 lbs 1 oz this week.

1 comment:

Janessa said...

I love reading the Rebecca updates. Her and Connor are so similar in their development. I guess they are only a few weeks apart. Too bad they won't be able to be playmates as they get older. She is adorable! I love the little apple in her hand.