Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Game of catch up

Today I added alot of posts for your reading enjoyment!! The fartest back one is Sept 29th-the day I turned 30. Yikes-when did that happen?!
We've been busily trying to keep on top of other things that the blog gets put on the back burner until I get some quiet time. Today is one of those days. I kept the girls home from church. Rebecca so she's not exposed again to the flu (she got exposed on Weds and so far she's staying healthy) and Corrine wasn't acting right yesterday but is fine now, but I wanted to be extra cautious. I guess it's the boys who coughed through church when they weren't coughing at home this morning. It's anever ending battle with germs and winter time and trying to decide when to keep them home and when to send them out.


Janessa said...

Ya for catch up! I'm excited to read through your posts. Good luck keeping everyone healthy! It is a never ending battle. How's your blog book coming along? Are you still working on it?

The Jenson's said...

I love reading about the fam so keep it coming.
I agree with the yucking germs. My calling is in the Young Women and i ususally bring Zach with me, but i had Jake keep him so that the girls wouldn't touch his hands or hold him just in case they were sick.