Saturday, October 10, 2009

It really is snowing

This morning the 10 of October we looked outside and saw white snow flakes falling from the sky. It lasted for a good 2 hours covering the plants and anything wood with a dusting of snow. The kids we so excited to get on their snow clothes and go outside to play in it before it melted. The high today only reached around 40 degrees.

I'm not ready for winter yet-butI don't think we have a choice.


Janessa said...

That is crazy!!! Do you guys just want to start migrating down to Texas yet? We've had a bit of rain and it's a little chilly - perfect fall weather.

The Jenson's said...

Yeah for snow! (well that is cuz i don't live in it) It's finally starting to get cooler here. Perfect weather, no air conditionar and no heat. Don't you want to move back!!!!