Saturday, February 13, 2010

3 words

A few weeks back Great Grandma Riddle had some strokes which have left her trapped in a body that isn't functioning like it used to. She has had some complications this week that landed her in the ICU so she could be monitored more closely.

This morning Rebecca and I went to see Grandma Riddle. Rebecca had just woken up from a very short nap, and didn't want to smile at first, but she started warming up and started smiling. Grandma Riddle doesn't talk very often. This morning she nodded her head, grimpsed and turned her lips up slightly to smile when we were visiting with her, and telling her about what's been going on. I knew she knew who we were and what we were talking about.
This afternoon Grandma Smith went up to see her. She asked Grandma Riddle if Rebecca had come up to see her. It was then she said the only words she spoke all day "She's a cutie."
I am so glad I made the time to go visit Grandma Riddle this morning. It's these memories I want the kids to have of their grandma.

1 comment:

The Jenson's said...

So sad. That's how my grandma is too sometimes. She's had a number of strokes and doesn't get around at all anymore. I really need to go see her!