Monday, February 15, 2010

Following the Leader

I just had to take this picture of Simeon, Corrine and Ammon today.

Today was a no school day, so this morning we went out to the Coral Ridge mall to get Corrine's 7 year old pictures taken. We walked down to the food court (which is at the other end-about a 3 mile walk!!). The kids were more then happy to walk there and back, but on the way back they were getting in everyones way. I felt like I was a broken record "kids watch where your walking", "stay on the right", "watch out for other people."

Then all of the sudden I looked at them and found them following eachother. Walking on the same line as the one in front of them. They were staying out of other people's way and enjoying the walk back to the van.

1 comment:

The Jenson's said...

I love that they did this on their own. Do they play follow the leader very often?