Saturday, February 27, 2010


Around 1 this morning Ammon came walking into our room. He climbed onto our bed and laid down between us. After a minute or so he asks me to feel both side of his feet. Not knowing why I feel his feet (he had a balnket sleeper on) and they felt fine to me.
A few minutes later he asks me if something is nibling on his feet? I tell him no and ask why. He tells me that it feels like his feet got nibbled on, and he asks me what nibbles on feet-mice or bed bugs. Ok we DON'T have bed bugs or mice, so I was confused.
He then asks me to feel his calf and see if anything is nibbling on it. Totally confused (remember it's 1 in the morning) I start asking more questions. This is what I found out: He had a bad dream that mice were nibbling on his feet.
He then climbs on top of Johann and lays there. After a few minutes Johann rolls him off. He now starts to ask if mice can climb. I tell him yes. He then asks if he can sleep on top of me so he's farther away from the mice which are on the floor!
I let him lay on me until it hurts, then rolled him off.
He asks more questions and I check his feet and legs a few more times, and reassure him that we have NO mice in our house.
An hour and a half later he then says sleepy "Mom I never, ever want to go to a pet store again!" I ask him why and he says "Mice, I don't want to see the mice."

A few nights ago at the science fair, 2 girls had mice who were in a maze looking for apple pieces, and that's the only thing I can think of that might have mase him dream about mice.

I'm guessing he'll NEVER EVER ask to have mice for a pet, which is perfectly fine with me.


The Jenson's said...

That's funny. Sounds like a sleepless night for you though.

Johann said...

Sorry, I fell asleep with Ammon on me.

SuzyQ01 said...

I can't really blame him for wanting to be as far away from the mice as possible!