Sunday, December 21, 2008

The 1st day of winter

I thought I'd let you know the weather that us Iowans are having today on this 1st day of winter.

The high for today -7*
Wind gusts up to 30 miles an hour
Wind chill -40*

I apologize if you now need to go get a blanket and a space heater to warm up! We have blankets at each door, and there is ice on the metal piece on the front door that sits between the door and the door frame because it goes from the outside of the door to the inside. This weekend has shown us where we need to add some more weather stripping around the doors. Thank goodness for the new windows!!

3 comments: said...

BRRRRRRR!!!!! I got the shivers all over just reading that. And I thought it was cold here today (about 50 degrees and raining). At least the kids are on vacation so you can just stay inside and TRY to keep warm, right?!

The Jenson's said...

Um that's too cold for me! How do you stand it. I would find every excuse not to leave my house. I hope your heater is in good condition!!

Hubers said...

I'm so glad you documented this. Can I copy/paste this onto my site to document too?