Sunday, December 14, 2008

Cookies with Annalisa

3 years ago we met the most energized and nicest person-Annalisa. She is our Dance Marathon Family Rep. For the past 3 Christmas's she has come over to make cookies with the kids.
This year she brought a giant snowman cookie project. After we had dinner (the most awesome pork roast!!), the kids set to work.

Step 1: Press chocolate chip cookie dough into snowman mold.

Step 2: Bake it and play WII while we are waiting.

Step 3: Frost and decorate -Johann LOVED the frosting.

Step 4: Eat and enjoy

The kids always have such a fun time with Annalisa, and have such great memories of their cookies making nights with her. And one of these years the directions will get completely followed:)


Valerie said...

That looks really yummy. I love cookies! said...

What a fun tradition! And Annalisa is adorable, even with the silly face. That snowman cookie looks soooo good!