We sat in the front row on the balcony just to the right of the middle. They were good seats in theory until we realized that we'd have a metal bar in our view the whole time. I wanted to be in the front so we wouldn't have heads in front of us to see around. Corrine never complained about not seeing very good, so I guess the bar bugged me more then it did her!
At intermission Corrine wanted a snack, so we got a Sprite in a green glass bottle (very fun way to drink it) and a sugar cookie.
Corrine's favorite part was "the man and the ballerina"-which was the Snow Queen and the Cavalier, in the Land of Snow. Which was one of my favorite parts too. I also liked the scene 'Angels Guide Clara'.
It is really neat to see all the kids in the ballet. They are local kids from a dance studio. There were also "angels" who were on the balcony with us singing during the scene 'Angels Guide Clara'. Corrine knew Meg from sibling group who was in the chorus.
This was my 1st time ever seeing the Nutcracker (live performance or movie), but Corrine saw this same ballet a few years back with Simeon and Great Grandma Riddle.
That sounds like a lot of fun. I've never seen the nutcraker either! Fun girls day out!
What a fun mommy/daughter day out. I'll be she loved it. I'll have to take my girls sometime.
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