Saturday, December 20, 2008

DADS are for...Horse Rides

Tonight between the BYU Basketball game and the BYU Football Game, the kids took the chance to go for horse rides on their horse named "DAD".

Ammon ALWAYS had to be in front, and he would push Simeon with all his might to get the front spot.

After I took these pictures, Ammon really wanted to go for another ride, but dad said his hoves were tired and he needed a break. To this Ammon exclaimed "I'll go get you Celery!"

Ammon and Corrine have been watching a recorded video of Zaboomafoo (from when we used to be able to watch the show daily), and they have a snack machine with celery in it, which is Zaboo's favorite snack, so they have been very into celery today.

1 comment:

Hubers said...

Wow, you've posted a ton since I last read the blog, which didn't feel like that long ago. I always think of you when I am wishing that I took more pictures. I love all the cute pictures and I wish I still got horsey rides too!