Thursday, September 10, 2009

So Loved

It's amazing how much love Simeon, Corrine & Ammon have for their little sister Rebecca. There are times they argue over who gets to hold her, or sit by her, or who gets to read a book to her. Rebecca just soaks in the attention and give sweet smiles and coos in return.

Ammon is getting lots of alone time with her. He has started to read books to her. One morning he wanted to sit across from her on a kitchen chair to read the book. He took both their socks off put his foot up to hers. The size and skin color difference is amazing.

At night Ammon will still say before he can go to bed he needs to hold Rebecca. One night I was making his bed and asked him to hold her. He happened to be wearing his Superman shirt with cape attached. He told me it was his "super friend cape".

Corrine is a babysitter in training. She likes to take care of Rebecca. She'll sit her in her lap and show her things, or read her a book. Corrine will lay on the ground next to Rebecca as she plays with her toys.

Simeon loves to hold Rebecca 1st thing in the morning and talk to her. He likes her to lay on his chest and sleep.


The Jenson's said...

Such cute pictures! I love the one of the feet! Also the last one with Simeon it looks like Rebecca is covering his mouth saying no more talking please, lets go back to sleep.

Janessa said...

It just melts my heart to watch my kids loving Connor. I'm sure it's the same way for you. There is just something special about having a baby in the home. A little piece of heaven on earth.